Geo-oblique images
Geo-oblique is a popular product that is frequently used by local and regional governments. The images are recorded at an angle of 45 degrees and contain a lot of detailed information.
Geo-oblique is a popular product that is frequently used by local and regional governments. The images are recorded at an angle of 45 degrees and contain a lot of detailed information. The images are geo-referenced in a viewer, which allows an object to be searched for and viewed from 4 cardinal directions. The images are usually recorded in the spring, but this can be done throughout the year.
The majority of municipalities use the images primarily for use in BGT,BAG and WOZ. Where the Ortho Photto no longer provides information, the Geo Oblique photo continues. Determining permanent extensions, shielded objects or less visible items from above becomes a lot more practical with the help of Geo oblique. The increased workload that permit free construction and the Environment Act entail are more than proportionally compensated with the help of Geo Oblique images.In addition there are many other departments that make use of Geo Oblique. Planning, construction and infrastructure , green areas etc.
Slagboom and Peeters produces Geo Oblique images to order. Because so many municipalities use this, high image quality with a lot of detail can be delivered while the cost price is kept low. Viewer and hosting are part of the delivery. The viewer can be easily linked to almost every CAD and GIS application.
Slagboom en Peeters makes aerial photographs for various clients and applications. Are you interested in Geo-oblique images? We will be happy to inform you about the possibilities. Feel free to contact us; we are ready to answer your questions.