Ortho and Stereo imagery
High-precision ortho- and stereo photography, indispensable for mapping and basic registration.
Stereo photos can be supplied for mapping purposes. The stereo photos have an overlap of at least 30% sideways and 60% forwards. In addition to the digital photo files, the stereo photo set also includes the associated calibration report and the external orientation parameters. The orientation parameters are calculated from a triangulation process based on pre-marked adjustment points. The stereo photos meet the highest current requirements for this product.
The vertical aerial photograph contains a number of deviations caused by differences in altitude in the terrain, lens distortion and the position of the aircraft. A digital orthophoto is an aerial photograph in which all these deviations have been corrected. It is a photographic map in digital form.
The quality of a digital Orthophoto can be divided into two parts ; the image quality and the geomatric accuracy. The most important variables are flight scale, pixel resolution, overlap, adjustments points, height model and the triangulation process. Both the chosen unit itself and the equipment being used have a major influence on the end result. With the availability of ever faster computers and high quality software , orthophotos have become faster and easier to handle.
The photos are fitted into a coordinate system using GPS/INS, aerotriangulation and block adjustment. The process is based on the use of pre-marked ground control points. Some of the ground control points are part of a calibration area where the GPS/INS system is calibrated. A digital elevation model is used for the height correction.
Ortho and Stereo imagery can be used for many applications. Below you will find some examples.
Research of
Spacial Planning, Registration and Taxes
Our Orthophotos are supplied as standard in ECW format. ECW (Enhanced Compression Wavelet) is a format in which Ortho mosaic images are placed against each other and can be viewed as 1 photo. The process of ‘stitching’ these photos together is carried out by high-quality software, combined with manual control. ECWs are used to work quickly and clearly in the photos of a certain area. ECWs are supported by a large number of software packages and GIS and CAD applications. Of course, other formats are also available, such as TIF or JPG.
The Vexcel cameras that Slagboom and Peeters uses can make near-infrared (CIR/NI) or false colour images. These are mainly intended to detect and analyse differences in vegetation. The images are made simultaneously with aerial photographs and can also be combined with them. With the right software, the photos provide valuable information and can be used for mapping for specific purposes.
Applications of infrared
Slagboom en Peeters makes aerial photographs for various clients and applications. Are you interested in ortho or stereo photography? We are happy to inform you about the possibilities. Feel free to contact us; we are ready to answer your questions.