Slagboom and Peeters has a modern and high quality capacity of recording systems. These systems enable efficient colletion and enable us to execute demanding projects. Discover more about this technology and its possibilities below.
Slagboom en Peeters has been using the camera systems of the brand Vexcel for more than 20 years. The reliability and innovation of Vexcel are both of an unprecedented high level. Slagboom en Peeters is regularly the first user of a newly developed type of Vexcel Ultracam system. By continuously investing in new camera systems, the aerial photo collector benefits from the most efficient possible collection and the highest possible quality.
For LIDAR collection the company uses a Riegl laser scanner. Riegl is renowned worldwide for its high-quality laser systems. The current scanner is a new (2024) model which enables us to perform high-quality and accurate acquisition. Due to the compact design of this innovative system it is also ideally suited for combined collection. Think of a combination of Orthophoto, Geo-oblique and LiDAR in 1 of our two dual-hatch aircraft.
Would you like to know if our sensors can be valuable for your project? We would be happy to show you what is possible and discuss how our systems can be optimally deployed for your purposes. Contact us for more information or a free quote.